Audio Reel Files


This was a group project that involved five people. Each team member was assigned to work on a section of the commercial, except for our team, which was responsible for two sections. The commercial features a car that transforms into different shapes multiple times throughout the advertisement, demonstrating the car's exceptional performance on various terrains.

What did I do?

My responsibilities included overseeing the underwater segment of the commercial, encompassing both the underwater scene itself, as well as the pre- and post-lap sequences of the underwater scene. I was also responsible for the creation of the original musical score accompanying my segment. The score was composed using a 68-key MIDI keyboard, along with ProTools and Avid Plugins, including Xpand! 2 and Reverb.


Great Fairy Fountain MIDI Mockup

This is a MIDI mockup of the song from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. This song plays when the player (Link) gets close to a “Great Fairy Fountain” in-game where the player can summon a fairy to upgrade their armor.

What did I do?

To remake the song "Great Fairy Fountain," I utilized ProTools for editing, mixing, and track creation. I employed a combination of pre-existing and non-pre-existing plugins to achieve the desired result. One of the plugins I used was Xpand! 2, which allowed me to add multiple new layers to each track and enhance the overall sound. By utilizing a range of plugins, I was able to achieve a dried result that closely resembles the original song.



This is a brief animation that follows the story of a Chinese-American girl who is facing difficulties in finding her place in the world and making friends. The story is set in a place that is already notorious for being decisive: a cafeteria. Anyone who has been a new student or an employee knows how tough, unapproachable, and judgmental the cafeteria can be. The girl is caught in a dilemma as she is considered "too American" for the Chinese and "too Chinese" or "too weird" for the Americans. She becomes depressed until a fellow struggler comes to sit with her. The girl starts to open up her heart and eventually finds more outsiders who don't belong, forming her own found-family lunch table where everyone is welcome.

What did I do?

I carefully selected the music for this animatic. My goal was to ensure that the music would greatly assist in the storytelling of the animatic. To achieve this, I researched traditional Chinese music and instruments, as the creator wanted to showcase traditional Chinese orchestral music, followed by a transition into melancholic music, and then into American music that is considered "traditional" to us, such as Rock. Although my initial plan was to have the music in the background, supporting the visuals, I eventually decided to have the music up-front with the visuals to effectively convey the character's emotions of sadness, hurt, abandonment, and eventual happiness to the viewer.


Murder On The Hill

Murder On The Hill is an audio drama delivered in a podcast format. This is an episode of the audio drama I did for one of my Independent Studies. I took one of my old scripts and reformatted it to fit the audio drama style. I then broke up the twenty-page script into eight episodes (including a prequel to the audio drama). From there I went on the hunt for voice actors who fit the characters in the script. I held table reads and casting meetings, and then had a cast. I then formulated a production schedule to record all the episodes in the studio.

After that, I went straight into editing the raw audio files, including but not limited to cutting out pauses, plosives, breaths, repeat dialogue, uhhs, umms, etc. After I had edited all the raw files, I made a list of all the sound effects I would need for each episode. After finding all of the stock sounds, I started sound designing all the episodes to really make audio drama come to life.

The entire project from pre-production all the way to post-production is all done 100% on my own without any external help from anyone. This is a 100% completely original work of art.

*** To view the complete works of Murder On The Hill, please visit the Audio Projects Page or my SoundCloud that is linked in the top right-hand corner.


Harry Potter and Disability Representation Podcast Excerpt

Description: I made a podcast comparing the disability representation, and the lack thereof, in Harry Potter and The Wizarding World to other works such as Marvel.

**To listen to the rest of the podcast please visit the Audio Projects page or my SoundCloud which is linked in the upper right-hand corner, as well as the bottom of the page.


Harry Potter Disability Representation Podcast

Description: I made a podcast comparing the disability representation, and the lack thereof, in Harry Potter and The Wizarding World to other works such as Marvel.


The Town Lost to Time. . .

I used stock sounds to create the environment, then used my voice to narrate, voice the villain, The Puzzle Master, and make additional sounds.


It all started when the carnival came to the town of Newerth. No one’s left the town or been able to enter the town since the carnival came. That was close to 100 years ago. Until one dark rainy night, a girl trapped in a fog of mist wanders into town. It was just supposed to be a scary story to tell around a campfire or on Halloween. But the stories are true. . . . IT’S ALL TRUE AND IT WON’T STOP!


Police Crime Scene Runaway Soundscape

The soundscape is to portray the after-effects of a suspect leaving the scene of a crime and the police must track them down while racing through the streets of the city before the suspects gets away for good!

What I Did:

I used an Effects Rack, Dynamics Processing, and Filters to create the sound of the walkie-talkie sounds. I also utilized free stock sounds to add to my storytelling vision. I also made Foley sounds and used common objects to create rumpling of clothes such as blankets and packaging material.

ADR (Advanced Dialogue Replacement)

This is a clip from the Nintendo Switch Game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. I took out all the audio and replaced it with my own audio as an ADR example.


Foley Sound

I used my Shure M7B mic to simulate being outside in whipping wind and thunder. I also added a reverb using Adobe Audition to add more to the effect of being pushed around by the wind.


Foley Sound #2

I used my Shure M7B mic to simulate the sound of a horse’s shoes clopping on the ground to give the effect of movement and walking. I also added sounds of bees buzzing, birds chirping, and the wind blowing to really bring out the sensation of riding on a horse.


Audio Projects


UI/UX & Prototyping